Saturday, March 29, 2014

W is for Weather and Number Review

Day 1    W is for Weather     Numbers Review    Money Review
I plan on spending 5 or 6 days on this subject and letter.  There is so much to learn about our weather, we are progressing through our letters sooner than expected, so I am slowing things down as far as teaching each letter.  Also, weather is getting nice outside, so I expect we will be spending more time outside playing (learning)!
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter W and review letters A-V.  Read "My W Book."  Review #’s 1-20.    Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Review money. Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song! Teach songs/poems for Mother's Day Tea Party!  Read "Weather" by Rena Kirkpatrick.  This is a book I picked up at a Thrift Store, and it is very nice to teach with for Weather Week!

Bible: "Going Fishing!" from The Big Book of Bible Lessons for Crafty Kids:  "Come, follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."  Matthew 4:19.  Getting Crafty Fishing Game page 130.  Play "Getting Active" game outdoors!  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Clouds: (for teacher):  If weather is nice, we will go outdoors for this lesson and take a blanket with us.  When heat energy from the sun warms the earth's surface, the earth radiates this heat into the surrounding air.  As this WARM air rises into the atmosphere, it cools and the water vapor it contains begins to condense into tiny water droplets, forming clouds.  Clouds formed at the earth's surface are called fog.
For kids (  The earth is surrounded by a layer of gases called the atmosphere. The atmosphere is very important to life on Earth and does many things to help protect life and help life to survive. 

A Big Blanket 

The atmosphere protects Earth like a big blanket of insulation. It absorbs the heat from the Sun and keeps the heat inside the atmosphere helping the Earth to stay warm, called the Greenhouse Effect. It also keeps the overall temperature of the Earth fairly steady, especially between night and day. So we don't get too cold at night and too hot during the day. There is also a portion of the atmosphere ofOzone. Ozone helps to protect the earth from the Sun's radiation. 

This big blanket also helps to form our weather patterns and climate. The weather keeps too much hot air from forming in one place and causes storms and rainfall. All of these things are important to life and the Earth's ecology. 


The atmosphere is the air that plants and animals breathe to survive. The atmosphere is made up of mostly nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (21%). There are lots of other gases that are part of the atmosphere, but in much smaller amounts. These include argon, carbon dioxide, neon, helium, hydrogen, and more. Oxygen is needed by animals to breathe and carbon dioxide is used by plant in photosynthesis.
Creating Water Vapor (From:  Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.):  Place equal amounts of water into three cups (clear, plastic cups or jars).  Add food coloring to each to tint the water.  Mark the water level on each cup with permanent marker.  Place one cup in direct sunlight, one in shady spot, and one indoors.  Check the cups twice/d and note changes in water levels.  Intro and discuss EVAPORATION.  At which location did the water in the cup evaporate the quickest?  Why?  Conclude and explain that even though water vapor is a gaseous substance and cannot be seen, water is in the air around us.
Give each child a copy of Clouds booklet from, and discuss the various types of clouds that are formed:  cumulus (big, white, puffy clouds seen on sunny day--great for seeing shapes); cirrus ( thin, curly, made of ice, sun shines through them); stratus (low, gray, often bring rain or snow); nimbus (dark, low, straight, cover whole sky, bring rain--also can be tall, puffy and bring storms).  Each child will be given a booklet to color and take home at end of week.  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! 
Art/Fine Motor:  Make a large cloud by gluing cotton balls to cloud template.  Make large sun by coloring and cutting sun template/rays.  Say poem:  
Disappearing Act:
On a sunny day,
The sun disappears...
It just goes away.
"Where did you go?
I wonder out loud,
And then it peeks out,
From behind a cloud. 
Discussion about sun and clouds from:  Page 5 of Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 2    W is for Weather     Numbers Review    Money Review
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter W and review letters A-V.  Read "My W Book."  Review #’s 1-20.    Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Review money. Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song! Teach songs/poems for Mother's Day Tea Party!  Read "City Storm" by Rebel Williams.  Sing the words to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus."  See plans and discussions at end of book for further teaching material (safety in a storm; using instruments for storm sounds, etc.)This is a book I picked up at a Thrift Store, and it is very nice to teach with for Weather Week!

Bible: Read:  "Heaven is for Real for little ones:  I picked this up at Ollie's for $2.29.    
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Rain!  1.  On a rainy day, show the children a measuring cup and explain that we are going to set the cup outside in the rain and see how much rain falls into the cup.  At the end of the day, collect the jar, read measurement, and record.  You could do this for every rainy day of the month and chart how much rain fell that month!  2.  Additionally:  bring the rain water inside and have the children observe the water through a magnifying glass.  Ask if water appears clean.  Tuck a coffee filter into the top of the jar.  Fold the edges over the lip of the jar.  Secure the filter to the jar with rubber band.  Pour the rainwater into a second clean jar.  Observe what collects on the filter.  Help the children conclude that particles of dirt from substances like vehicle fumes and smoke collect in the clouds and pollute the rain. 3.  Fill two oblong balloons with air and tie to close.  Go to darkened room.  Hold one balloon in each hand and rub the balloons back and forth over your clothing.  Hold the balloons so they almost touch.  Observe a small flash of light as (static) electricity jumps between balloons.  If very quiet, you will also hear a faint crackle.  Help students relate this flash to the lightning we experience during thunderstorms.  Lightning is caused by the discharge of electricity in the atmosphere.  If the balloons had been clouds, the flash would have been lightning.   From Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.).  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! 
Art/Fine Motor:  Rain Shapes (from: Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.)  Fill several spray bottles with water.  Use food coloring to tint the water in each bottle a different color.  Lauer a table with newspaper or place newspaper in bottom of large box.  Provide children with cardboard shapes or actual objects.  Have the children place a piece of white paper on the newspaper, lay an object or shape onto the white paper, and then use spray bottles to simulate rain over the objects and paper.  When the object is removed, the children should be able to recognize and name the object by looking at the shape it created on the paper. 

Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Additional Activities with Rain:  Rainy Day Story; Rainy Day Rhyme; Flip and Count Game; Sizing Raindrops (seriation); Puddle Jumps Activity Game; Balancing Act Game. From:  Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.

Day 3    W is for Weather     Numbers Review    Money Review
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter W and review letters A-V.  Read "My W Book."  Review #’s 1-20.    Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Review money. Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song! Teach songs/poems for Mother's Day Tea Party!  Read "Snow" by Christopher Hernandez from Scholastic.  For Teachers:  When the temp falls to 32F, we experience frost, sleet, snow, ice.  Frost:  icy glaz on windows and grass caused by freezing of water vapor in the atmosphere; SLeet:  frozen raindrops; Snow:  frozen crystals of water; Ice:  frozen Mass of water.  

Bible: Read:  from "Growing With Jesus" devotional and do coloring sheet "I can be a friend to someone no one likes."  Discuss how KIND Jesus was and is, how powerful He was and is, and how much He loves you.  Make this a happy thinking day!
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:     1.  Making Frost from:  Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.- Fill a drinking glass with ice, sprinkle ice with a little salt, and stir.  This combo of ice and salt pulls heat energy from the surrounding air.  Water from the air will slowlu collect on the inside of the glass, and in time will harden to frost.  If you scratch some of the frost away, does it reappear?  Help the students understand that the process taking place within the glass is the same process that takes place on the earth.  During the day, the earth absorbs heat from the sun.  At night, the earth radiates this heat.  When this warm vapor meets with colder air temps, frost forms.  2.  Expanding Water:  Have students place equal amounts of water in two plastic jars.  Mark the water level on outside of each jar.  Cover one jar and set aside; freeze the other overnight.  Help students conclude that ice occupies more space than water and water expands when it freezes.  3.  LIke a Rock:  Let children place small rock in cup of water to soak overnight.  Next day, have them remove the wet rock from the cup and place in a sealable plastic bag; place bag in freezer for several hours.  Remove bag from freezer and let rock defrost in bag till ice melts and rock is room temp.  Empty contents of bag onto a sheet of white paper.  Observe any change in the rock.  Are there fragments that have broken away from the rock.  Help students conclude that expanding and contracting that takes place when water freezes and then melts can shatter rocks and produce small fragments from which soil develops.  This is called FROST SHATTERING.
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! 
Art/Fine Motor:  Rain Shapes (from: Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc.)  Snow Colors:  Warm a clear jar with hot water and then fill it with boiling water.  Add borax to the water (1 tbsp. at a time, and stir.  Keep adding and stirring until the powder no longer disappears into the water, about 3 tbsp per cup of water.  Stir in several drops of food coloring.  Bend a pipe cleaner into any shape desired and tie one end of a string to the middle of a pencil.  Holding the pencil, lower the pipe cleaner shape into the borax solution.  Set the pencil down over the top of the jar to hold the pipe cleaner shape suspended in the solution.  As the water cools and evaporates, the borax molecules will stick together on the pipe cleaner, creating crystals.  Leave the crystals in a warm area, and watch them grow every day.  Observe with a magnifying glass!
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 4    W is for Weather     Numbers Review    Money Review
Group Lesson:  Wind (From:   Exploring Weather - Teacher Created Materials, Inc) - For teachers:  wind is air in motion.  We cannot see the wind; we can see only the effects.  WInd is caused by the constant rise and fall of warm and cold air, warmer air being lighter and cold air heavier.  Most of our weather changes are caused by the wind as it spreads the sun's heat from warm areas to colder ones.  Talk with students about how wind power can be strong or gentle, helpful or harmful.  Read:  "Wind" by Christopher Hernandez from Scholastic.  
Art/Fine Motor:  Making Pinwheels

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Letter V is for Vehicle and Review of Numbers

Day 1    V is for Vehicles     Numbers Review    Money Review
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter V and review letters A-U.  Read "My V Book."  Review #’s 1-20.    Ask the child to tell you what numbers are on the cards.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Review money. Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song! Have children try to think of a vehicle that starts with each letter of the alphabet, i.e., a for airplane, b for bus, c for car, d for Duckie Tour, etc.  Picture from:

Bible: "Humility!" from The Big Book of Bible Lessons for Crafty Kids:  "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves"  Phil. 2:3.  Humility:  To think of others before yourself, instead of being selfish.  Make a Verse Pouch out of craft foam.  Page. 122.
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Experiment: Ramps and Cars (science & math):  We test cars/trucks to see how well they roll on a ramp covered with various materials, i.e., foil, sandpaper, bubble wrap, corrugated paper.  Also, we will change the height of the ramp and test.  Allow children to try to determine outcomes before testing.  Also could graph their hypotheses and then see what actually occurred.
 Photo from:  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! Play Red Light/Green Light pretending to be various vehicles:  helicopter, train, etc. 
Art/Fine Motor:  Painting with Vehicles:  Provide large sheets of paper (like Freezer paper) for the children to paint on.  Purchase Dollar Store vehicles and allow the children to dip the vehicles' wheels in paint and see what kind of design they get.  Good time to discuss textures and colors.  See if they can paint a letter V on their papers.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 2    V is for Vehicles     Numbers Review    Money Review
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter V and review letters A-U.  Numbers review.   Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with vowels.  Continue learning about money.  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, "Jesus Loves Me."  Read a book about vehicles; graph everyone's favorite vehicle.  
Bible:  Bible devotional or story
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Volume Experiment: From:  A to Z Early Childhood Curriculum.  Provide a large container of water, a plastic jar, a pitcher and a cup,  How many cups of water does it take to fill the pitcher?  How many to fill the large container?  How many to fill the jar?  The children can answer these questions by actually filling the containers and discovering the correct answers.  Be sure to have the children predict an answer before they begin.  It is fun for them to see how close their guesses are to the correct answer.
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! Play Red Light/Green Light pretending to be various vehicles:  helicopter, train, etc or take a walk and check out which vehicles the children can see on the walk.
Art/Fine Motor:  Making Volcanos:  From Last year, my students wanted to do the baking soda/vinegar volcanos all the time, so I know the students this year will love it also.  
 Supplies Needed:
1.Tray or container(large tupperware/plastic container works well to catch lots of lava mixture after numerous eruptions)
2.Paper cup
3.Tin foil
5.Playdough: I use playdough that has been mixed and mashed together from a variety of colors(As kids love to do!).  Instructions
1. Place a paper cup on your tray and wrap tin foil around it, folding the tin foil over the rim of the cup and shaping the remainder tin foil to resemble a mountain. You may need to use 2 or 3 pieces of tin foil for easier shaping.

Instructions continued
2.Roll out playdough with a rolling pin and place over tin foil. Fold playdough over rim of cup as well. You may need to use 2 or 3 sections of rolled out playdough for easier shaping.
3.Decorate your volcano with trees, animals and buildings if you wish.  
4.Make the lava mixture:
3 tsps Baking soda
1/2 to 1 cup white vinegar
Food coloring
After your volcano is built, put the baking soda into the volcano paper cup. Mix the food coloring with the vinegar in a separate cup. Pour the vinegar/food coloring mixture into the volcano and watch the eruption!
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 3    V is for Vehicles     Numbers Review    Money Review
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Letter V and review letters A-U.  Read "My V Book."  Review #’s 1-20.    Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Review money. Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song!  Read a vehicle book!  I have tons of them!

Bible: "Read from the Bible devotional or Bible story.
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson: Weekly Reader and Computer Activities from Scholastic Let's Find Out.
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy! 
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a littl
e introduction to aerobics! Play Red Light/Green Light pretending to be various vehicles:  helicopter, train, etc. 
Art/Fine Motor:  Train Shapes and Names: 
1.   Cut out squares from different colors of construction paper, enough squares for each child to write their first and last names, one letter per square.  2.   Have the kids draw a railroad track onto a large white sheet of paper. If the child's train cars are extending longer than the sheet of paper, just tape another sheet of paper to the first one.   3.   I also cut out a bunch of circles from black construction paper for the wheels. 4.  Have the children cut out a picture of a train engine and color it.  5.  Then have the children glue their engines and cars in the right order on the paper.  

Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Letter U is for Us and Number Review

Day 1    U is for Us     Numbers Review    Nickel
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter U and review letters A-T.  Read "My U Book."  Review #’s 1-20.  Work individually with children.  Other children will work on puzzles or look at books.  Place number cards 0-9  in a bag or box.  Have the child reach into the box and draw out two cards.  Ask the child to tell you what numbers are on the cards.  Then have the child make new numbers with the two cards, Ex:  if child pulls out a 1 and a 5 card, they place the 1 in front of the 5 to make number 15.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants vowels.  Introduce the nickel!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  Teach "Jesus Loves Me," which every child should eventually know.  I still sing it to myself occasionally-it's just a pretty and encouraging song!  
Talk about the fact that we live in the United States of America!
Snack:  Utz brand chips or pretzels
Bible: "Hang in There!" from The Big Book of BIble Lessons for Crafty Kids:  "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."  James 1:12.  Persevere:  TO keep doing what's right, even when things get difficult.  Discuss playing games and winning and losing.  Discuss doing right when it's easier to do wrong and what God says about it.  Make "Hang in There" picture hanging to hold either child's artwork or photo.  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Learning more about Us:  Read "The Human Body Riddle Book."  Have the children guess what purpose each body part has!  Make a pipe cleaner person!  Show the children how they can make the pipe cleaner person move in various ways!  This should be a great discussion, because children come up with very funny answers and have great ideas on how our bodies work.  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!  Horse Shoe Game  (horse shoes look like letter U):  
Art/Fine Motor:  Unique:  Explain to the children what unique means:  highly unusual or rare but not the single instance; very different; being the only one of its type (like finger prints or us).  Discuss that unique begins with a long u sound, while unusual begins with the short u sound.  Provide various materials from which they can make a unique or unusual creation:  scissors, glue, paper punches, paper, yarn, string, fabric, scraps, etc.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 2    U is for Us     Numbers Review    Nickel
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter U and review letters A-:T.  Numbers review.   Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with vowels.  Continue learning about the nickel!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, "Jesus Loves Me."
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Smart Kids Body IQ:  Found this book w/skeleton at Ollies (Good Stuff Cheap) and had to buy it for this week's lesson.  Each page is full of illustrations about various body parts; it's about 12 x 12; and the pages are all very study cardboard.  Love this book and illustrations and little facts!  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! 

        Horse Shoes:  Look like Letter U's!  

Art/Fine Motor:  U is for Umbrella:  I will be making the top of the umbrella out of a paper plate.  Inside each raindrop, we will write upper- and lowercase U's.  
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 3   U is for Us     Numbers Review    Nickel
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter U and review letters A-:T.  Numbers review.   Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with vowels.  Continue learning about the nickel!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands, "Jesus Loves Me."  Umbrella Game:  Children will identify words that begin with U and drop them in the umbrella!
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:    Discuss Questions from Our Bodies from as whole-group, and other Boz activities on the computer--individual child activity!  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics! 

        Horse Shoes:  Look like Letter U's!  

Art/Fine Motor:    U is for Unicorn:  meant to teach the long sound of letter U:  I will make copies of the picture of a unicorn holding an umbrella (review short sound of u in umbrella) from A to Z Early Childhood Curriculum.  We will place the unicorn picture peeking through a cut-out of a large letter U that I will make from construction paper.  Each child will make their own to take home.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter T is for Trees and #20

Day 1    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter T and review letters A-:S.  Read "My T Book."  Introduce #20 and review #’s 1-20.  Have each child line up 20 blocks.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Introduce the nickel!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  

Bible: "Lying " from The Big Book of BIble Lessons for Crafty Kids:  "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful."  Meaning of detest.  Discuss lying and times it is difficult to tell the truth,  Discuss God hates the lie but does not hate the person who lies, only the lie.  Why is it important not to lie?  So we are trusted.  Make a "No Lying"  place mat.  
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Group Lesson:  Treemendous Trees!  Read a book about trees and discuss the many, many uses of trees!  Have a table with items that we get from trees:  toys, crayons, pencils, paper, furniture, houses, baseball bats, airplane parts, matches, popsicle sticks, spoons, picture frames, chewing gum, foods, etc.  Discuss whether or not trees are alive.  Ask some divergent questions such as, "If we did not have trees, I wonder what we would build our houses with," or "where would the squirrels and birds play and live," or what if tree bark was blue instead of brown."  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:  Building a nest: Go on a nature walk outdoors and look for items that could be used to build a bird's nest, items such as:  leaves, sticks, grass, hair, twigs, feathers, pineneedles, helicopter leaves, pebbles or small rocks, straw.  After the walk, allow the children time to build their nests in a plastic bowl.  Provide a fake bird for each child to place in their nests and possibly fake eggs.
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Day 2    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
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Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter T and review letters A-:S.  #20 and review #’s 1-19.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Continue learning about the dime!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. 
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Addition and Subtraction with Leaves.  Draw a tree on white board.  Have wind blow and leaves fall off tree.  Children practice counting the leaves that fall (get erased).  Say "This tree has five leaves.  The wind blows hard and blows down 1 leaf (erase one leaf from the five that you drew originally on the tree).  How many leaves are left on the tree?"  Continue in this manner.  Leaves that increase in amount (leaves that get added to the ground after "falling" also get counted.  Say "There are 3 leaves that have fallen to the ground.  Oh, the wind is blowing and blew one more leaf to the ground.  Now how many leaves are on the ground?"  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!  
Art/Fine Motor: Tree Collage:  Children look through magazines to cut out items that we get from trees; also pictures that show how trees help us and animals and the earth.
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Day 3    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter T and review letters A-:S.  #20 and review #’s 1-19.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Continue learning about the dime!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. 
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Clothesline:  Wooden clothespins come from trees!  Use dominoes to  allow counting practice for children.  Each child takes a turn choosing a domino.  They then add the numbers on their domino together to see what it adds up to; then they take the matching amount of clothespins and pin them to the clothesline.  Letter Practice:  Lay the letters of the alphabet, both uppercase and lower case out on a table.  Children will be instructed as to what letter to find from a the letters.  They can then hang their letter on the clothesline.  The children should then work together to put the alphabet in the right order on the clothesline once all of the letters have been chosen and hung up.    
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!  
Art/Fine Motor:  T is for Turtle:  
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Addendum:  I also have a part of a tree stump with the rings.  I will explain to the children how the tree's age is determined by the number of rings it has.  I also have crayons made to look like bark, which the children can use.