Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 1      Letter I       Theme:  Instruments/Interesting Ideas    Number 9
We will learn about instruments, but I am veering off the theme of instruments a bit.  Why?  I keep looking around the preschool room seeing activities that we do not get to just because they have not tied in with my themes as of yet.  So, in order to incorporate some of these activities, I will interject some of these activities into this week's theme.  Thus, I have added the theme Interesting Ideas for the letter I.
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Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-H and introduce letter I.  Review #’s 1-8 and introduce #9.  Read "My I Book."  Review the vowel song.  Look around the room to discover items that are orange!  Is anyone wearing orange? Have the children look for objects in the room shaped like rectangles.  Introduce the octagon shape (last week we added the pentagon shape to our list of shapes we are learning).  Explain that octo means eight:  octopus has eight arms! 
Snack:  Ice Cream Party!  I told the children last week that for letter I we would have an ice cream party, and they have been asking already when it is letter I week!  They have told me they like pink (strawberry) ice cream and vanilla; they would like crushed Oreos, rainbow sprinkles and M&M's for toppings.  It is my aim to please, so this is what we will have!
Bible:  Smile, God Loves You!  "This is love:  not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."  1 John 4:10.  We will discuss that God loved us before we loved Him, etc.  Art:  Smiley Face Door Hanger.  Taken from Big Book of Bible Lessons fro Crafty Kids.  We will use a yellow paper plate.  Glue assorted colors of pasta on as nose, mouth and eyes.  With black marker, write "Smile, God Loves You" around the edge of the paper plate.  Punch one hole in the top of the plate.  Cut and tie an 18" piece of yarn or ribbon through hole to create a loop.
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Group Lesson:  Magazine Stories:  I will ask the children to look for items in magazines--anything they like.  We will glue one or two pictures onto a piece of paper.  Continue pasting one-two pictures on additional sheets of paper.  Now the fun really begins:  Help the children create words to put with each page, so that by the time you reach your last page of pictures, you all will have written a silly story!  I used to do this with my children when they were young, and they loved it.  I believe it helps facilitate their thinking, imagination, and creativity. 
Lunch/RestGross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  Move to Music. 

Art/Fine Motor: Making a Drum.  The children will each be given a large Quaker Oatmeal container.  We will wrap construction paper around each container.  The children will then be given various items with which to decorate their "drums."  Make sticks from dial rods!  Ask the children what other items they could use as "drum sticks."  (branches, pencils, etc.) 

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Day2      Letter I       Theme:  Instruments/Interesting Ideas    Number 9
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Free Play in Learning Centers:  Place puzzles out today!
Circle Time:  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-I.  Review #’s 1-9.  Review the vowel song.  Read "A Day in the Life of a Musician."  Sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider."  Discuss various types of instruments, such as wind, percussion and brass.  Show pictures and have examples (I have a guitar that I always show the children during instrument week.)  My daughter has a keyboard which I will also show the children.  Ask the children which instrument they might want to learn to play some day.
Snack:  Talk about which foods the children think are "icky."  Tell them to listen for the "I" sound when they say "Icky."  Liver, spinach, etc? 
Free Play in Learning CentersGroup Lesson:  Thanksgiving!  Show the children the "Thankful Tree"  you made (from branches spray painted white and placed in a nice container.  Read from a Thanksgiving book.  Explain that throughout the rest of the days until Thanksgiving, the children are to think about things for which they are thankful.  Each time a child has an idea, write down what they are thankful for on small pieces of pretty paper and place the paper on the Thankful Tree with stick tack.  Watch as the tree gets fuller and fuller, just like our hearts get fuller and fuller when we think about all of our blessings! 
Lunch/RestGross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.   Move to Music. 
Art/Fine Motor: Wind chimes.  From:  http://handsonaswegrow.com/outdoor-music-diy-windchimes/   Give each child four or five various sized cans (recycle soup, veggie, etc. cans.  Ask the children to paint the cans (this may take more than one sitting).  Allow the children to put glitter over the wet painted cans.  Help the children to put holes in the bottom of the cans.  I strung a long piece of yarn through the holes and tied two washers onto the end of the string, inside the tin cans. One washer is used to hold the yarn in place, the other is placed at the end of the string to make a lovely clanking sound when it hits the tin can.  Hang up the tin cans so that they overlap each other. 

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  Day3      Letter I       Theme:  Instruments/Interesting Ideas    Number 9
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Free Play in Learning Centers:  Place puzzles out today!
Circle Time:  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-I.  Review #’s 1-9.  Review the vowel song.  Sound Bingo!  Additionally, play the humming song.  Teacher will hum a song and the children try to guess what it is--hearing discrimination. 
Bible:  Read from Devotional
Free Play in Learning CentersGroup Lesson:  Patterns with music.  Give each child an instrument of their choice.  Teacher will tap out a sound pattern, and children will try to repeat it.  Allow children to make up their own sound patterns, too.  Read a book or two of children's choice.
Lunch/RestGross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.   In Between Pins:  Decide on a starting line.  The child stands on the line and rolls a ball down the floor so it will go between two pins (can use empty 2 liter soda pop containers) set about 6 feet apart.  As the child becomes more and more successful, increase the distance between the starting line and the pins, and decrease space between pins.  Helps with coordination, teaches directionality (in between), helps with sound of letter I, and is fun!
Art/Fine Motor: 1.  Lining Letter I with Icicles.  Print out pictures of icicles and have the children decorate block letter I's with the icicles.  2.  Tambourines:  Using paper plates (2 per child for front/back of tambourine), beans or macaroni, the children first decorate their paper plates any way they like (I will place various art items on the table).  Teacher will staple the paper plates together once the children have decorated them, leaving a small opening for insertion of beans/macaroni.  Once the beans have been inserted between the two paper plates, staple the hole closed, also.
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