Monday, December 2, 2013

Day 1  Letter K   Theme:  Kindness and Kites  Number:  11    Shapes:  Diamond or Rhombus (K is for kites)
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Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-J and introduce letter K.  Review #’s 1-10 and introduce #11.  Read "My K Book."  Review the vowel song.   Read one of my books on being kind.  Teach a new morning song:  Let's Be Kind (sung to Frere Jacques):  Let's be kind, let's be kind, in our hearts and in our minds, to our family, to our friends, let's be kind, let's be kind.
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Group Lesson:  Mother Theresa and her Kindness to those society deems unlovable.  She was someone who was Jesus' (remind them of letter J for Jesus) hands and feet to our world.  Make a Kindness Acrostic (I printed out pictures to coordinate with each letter or you could use pictures of your own students).

K is for Kind words
I is for Including everyone
N is for Never being mean
D is for Doing the helpful thing
N is for being Nice
E is for Everyone being friendly
S is for Sharing
S is for Smiling
Show the children pictures of Mother Theresa, either via book or computer.  Discuss that we are all different but loved equally by God.  Good time to talk about disabilities and how to treat people with disabilities.
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!
Art/Fine Motor:  Sharing Jesus' Love:  Have each child make a cross out of popsicle sticks.  These will need some time to dry well.  Once dry, provide materials to decorate the crosses.  Then, ask each student to write something on a diamond cutout (help them make one out of construction paper) that they will do to help show people Jesus' love.  Display the crosses in the room, with the diamonds all around them.  "Jesus, you could say, is in the diamond business.  He works in partnership with God, His Father, and the Holy Spirit.  His Father supplies the rough stones, and Jesus, through the Holy Spirit perfects the gems, and when they are finished, He displays them in His Father's Treasure House for all to enjoy forever and ever.  They belong to God, and He will never sell them, or lose them, or give them away.  These diamonds are His People who are His forever.  But what do diamonds and God's people have in common, you may ask?  Let us consider the diamond and all of its various aspects: 
1.  clarity:  If you think about the incredible amount of pressure it takes to create a diamond and the fact that natural diamonds are not grown in a sterile laboratory, it's no surprise that most diamonds have flaws, just like us!  We all have sinned and fall short, but God's grace made a way for us to belong to Him--Jesus!
2.  color:  because a colorless diamond, like a clear window, allows more light to pass through it than a colored diamond, colorless diamonds emit more sparkle and fire. The formation process of a diamond ensures that only a few, rare diamonds are truly colorless. Thus the whiter a diamond's color, the greater its value.  God values all of His creation!  Let's be sure to let our little lights shine for Him by acting like He wants us to act and by loving everyone!
3.  cuts:  reflective quality and shape, brilliance, which is that brightness that seems to come from the very heart of a diamond.  Let's be sure we reflect Christ's love to everyone we meet.  It doesn't matter what anyone looks like (God looks at our inside-our heart); not like us, who look only at the outside.
4.  strength:   Let's be strong in and for Christ.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthen's me!
5.  beauty: Acceptance
6.  size:  Acceptance
7.  certificate: A certificate is a "blueprint" of a diamond, it tells you the diamond's exact measurements and weight, as well as the details of its cut and quality. It precisely points out all the individual characteristics of the stone. Certificates also serve as proof of the diamond's identity and value.  God's certificate for us is Jesus, His Son!  There is nothing we can do to earn or deserve God's acceptance.  God's acceptance is given freely to us through Jesus.  Let's try to be accepting of others, even if we don't like everything about them, even if they are not perfect.  Let's look for their good qualities and focus only on those. 
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Day 2  Letter K   Theme:  Kindness and Kites  Number:  11    Shapes:  Diamond or Rhombus (K is for kites)
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Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-K.  Review #’s 1-11.  Review the vowel song.   Read one of my books on being kind.  Teach a new morning song:  Let's Be Kind (sung to Frere Jacques):  Let's be kind, let's be kind, in our hearts and in our minds, to our family, to our friends, let's be kind, let's be kind.  Introduce self-made booklet of Christmas Carols and have the children do a page per day.  Practice singing the song.  See Label:  Christmas
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Group Lesson: ABC Bingo

Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:  Letter K.  I will give the students cutouts of a letter K from construction paper or cardstock.  I will give them Kix cereal that they can decorate their letter's with for letter recognition and fine motor control. 
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Day 3  Letter K   Theme:  Kindness and Kites  Number:  11    Shapes:  Diamond or Rhombus (K is for kites)
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Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-K.  Review #’s 1-11.  Review the vowel song.   Read one of my books on being kind.  Teach a new morning song:  Let's Be Kind (sung to Frere Jacques):  Let's be kind, let's be kind, in our hearts and in our minds, to our family, to our friends, let's be kind, let's be kind.  Self-made booklet of Christmas Carols and have the children do a page per day.  Practice singing the song.  See Label:  Christmas
Snack:  Kiwi and Kool-Aid.  Some of the students may not have had a chance to try Kiwi fruit yet, so today we will offer the opportunity!
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Group Lesson: 1.  Counting:  Road Under Construction:  Invite a child to choose a number card and then build a road with the corresponding number of blocks.  Have children continue building until all of the cards are gone.  2.  Counting:  Block Tower:  Encourage children to build a block tower by choosing a number card.  When the tower falls, have the students count to find out how many blocks they used.  Then challenge them to build a larger tower, using more blocks than before. 

Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:  Christmas Flower using Christmas muffin papers, pom-poms and pipe cleaners. 
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