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Free Play in Learning Centers: Provide stuffed animal cats and pet grooming supplies.
Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, B, 1, 2, etc. Introduce Letter C, #3, Color White, Shape: Triangle. Read "My C Book." Ask each child to gather a set of 3 of some item from the classroom, i.e., 3 pencils, 3 books, 3 blocks, etc. to be sure they understand what 3 looks like. Later, have them show one-to-one correspondence by counting 3 of an item. Provide a Letter C Feeling Bag: Collect items that start with the letter C sound (car, crayon, cassette, cash, calendar, cake, corn, camera, candle, candy, cap, candy corn, card, cat, carrot, cell phone, cent, cereal, circle. Have the children try to guess what each item is by reaching into the bag and feeling the item while not looking at it. Remind them it has to start with the C sounds: C as in carrot, and C as in celery. Think of other C words.
Snack: Special Treat: Corn on the Cob: Children will go outdoors with teacher and help husk the corn! While children eat their snacks, teacher will Cook the Corn on the Cob! What is better exercise for fingers/hands then husking corn! And look at all the C sounds in Cook the Corn on the Cob!
Bible: The Tower of Babel: Lesson idea from:
BIBLE VERSE: "Keep my commands and follow them. I am the LORD.” Leviticus 22:31 NIV
It is important to follow the rules, whether we are at home, school or church. God's rules are so important that they are called commands. Recite the verse again several times.
Introduction:Do any of you know that, at one point in time, everyone on the earth spoke the same language? It was many years after the big flood. People once again began to populate the earth. God had commanded the people to be fruitful and increase in number and to fill the earth, and they did. In our story today, we will see that people during this time decided to do what they wanted and did not listen to what God asked them to do. Read Genesis 11:1-10 (The Tower of Babel)
Discussion Questions:
1. How many languages did the whole world have at this time? (One language.)2. Once the people settled what did they begin to do? (Build a city and then a great tower.)3. Did they build the tower to honor God or themselves? (They stated that they wanted to make a name for themselves.)4. In what other way were the people disobeying God? (They choose to settle in one spot disobeying God’s commandment to fill the earth (see Genesis 1:28)5. What did God do to make people follow His rules and continue to fill the whole earth? (God mixed up their language so that they could not understand each other and then God scattered them over the whole earth.)
Activity: Set out marshmallows (large) and toothpicks, and let the children build their own Tower of Babel.
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson: Literacy/Math: Read "Pete the Cat; I Love My White Shoes. Then, children will get a "kick" out of measuring objects around the room with their own shoes. Children can see how many of their shoes it takes to measure a table or a doorway, etc. You could also use their shoes and trace their shoe patterns on paper and use the paper patterns, instead. Have the children estimate how many shoes they think it will take to measure an item.

Art/Fine Motor: Letter C Caterpillar: Caterpillar made out of multiple Letter C's; add antennae and eyes.
Gross Motor: Cat, Cat, Mouse Game: Gather children in a circle. Together, count the number of children/teacher in the circle. The "cat" will walk around the circle until the teacher says "mouse." Whomever the "cat" is standing behind must leave the circle and join the "cat." Count the number of children left in the circle and explain that there is now one less. Repeat until everyone is a cat!
Free Play in Learning Centers
Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
*I do have the children do one or two worksheets each day. The worksheets only take them about five minutes each. I use worksheets to reinforce what we learned with our hands-on activities and to give them more skill at following directions and writing and to prepare them for future grades, when they will be asked to sit and do some seatwork.
Free Play in Learning Centers: Provide stuffed animal cats and pet grooming supplies.
Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, B, C and1, 2, 3, etc.
Snack: Special Treat: Acorns: Nutter Butter Mini Cookies, Hershey Kisses and chocolate chips.
Bible: From "Growing With Jesus" devotional: On Butterfly Wings: The kids will be able to relate to this lesson because we just finished up studying about Letter B and Bugs/Butterflies. The lesson is about transformation and how a relationship with God can transform us to be more like Jesus. For a hands-on reminder, have a blanket on hand, and wrap each child up, one at a time, in the blanket. The blanket is the cocoon, and when they roll out of the blanket, they are now transformed into a beautiful new butterfly! God transforms our lives into new and more beautiful lives!
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson: Part 1: Pete the Cat Matching Game for color recognition. The children will match up the various colored shoes of Pete's. (This is a homemade game a friend of mine made and gave to me.) Can also do a Cat Fingerplay (sing to the tune of London Bridge): Pete the Cat went for a walk, for a walk, for a walk. Pete the Cat went for a walk on a sunny day. Pete the Cat loved his white shoes, his white shoes, his white shoes. Pete the Cat loved his white shoes. What color are your shoes? Do you have white shoes on, white shoes on, white shoes on? Do you have white shoes on? If you do, stand up! Then continue with: Do you have red on your shoes? Black? Blue? Pink? Gray? Do you have shoes with Velcro? Do you have shoes that tie? Do you have shoes that slip on?
Part 2: Handwriting Worksheet: Tracing Letter C--upper and lowercase.
Art/Fine Motor: Cat Puzzle: reinforces shape recognition, seriation, sorting, listening skills, following directions, fine motor skills. Give each child a sheet of scrapbooking paper of their choice. The children will use pre-cut circle shapes to put together a paper cat.
Gross Motor: Play outdoors.
Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
September 23, 2013 Letter C Theme: Cats Number: 3 Shape: Triangle Color: White
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Free Play in Learning Centers: Provide stuffed animal cats and pet grooming supplies.
Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, B, C and1, 2, 3, etc. Play Copy Cat. Allow each child to take a turn clapping a rhythm, and the other children have to copy cat them. Idea from: Read a book about cats. Allow for discussion.
Bible: Learn a new Bible song.
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson: Lizzy visits! Handwriting Number 2.
Art/Fine Motor: Spin Art. I purchased a Spin Art at Michael's craft store (teachers get a 15% discount every day!). I also watch for 40% off coupons, and when I want to make a more expensive purchase for the school, I always try to use the 40% off (they only offer this on non-sale items, however; but the teacher discount is on sale items, also). I will let the children do some spin art. Then we will cut a cat shape from a piece of paper and place it over the Spin Art to allow the Spin Art colors to show--a multi-colored cat! Cool!
Gross Motor: Play outdoors or Pin the Bug on the Flower: This is a game I have that we did not get a chance to use when studying B is for Bugs, so I kept it out and will use it for a rainy day game.
Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
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