Sept. 11, 2013: Letter B Theme: Bugs Number 2 Color: Black Shape: Oval
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Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, 1, etc. Introduce Letter B, #2, Color Black, Oval. Teach Buggy Anatomy Song (tune of London Bridge):
Head and thorax, abdomen, abdomen, abdomen,
Head and thorax, abdomen, That's an insect.
Every insect has six legs, has six legs, has six legs,
Every insect has six legs, that's an insect.
Antennae to feel their way, feel their way, feel their way,
Antennae to feel their way, that's an insect.
-Have each child do a motion 2 times to demonstrate knowledge of how many 2 is. Discuss how many students are wearing black somewhere on their shoes/clothing.
Read books about bugs and read "My B Book."
Snack: Bug Snack: http://www.snackpicks.com/en_US/for-kids/fruit-bug-snacks-slideshow.html
Bible: You Are God's Special Project from Growing With Jesus Devotional. Psalm 139: 13-14. Discuss that God is happy with each student, is proud of each student, and each student is like no other. Today: Look in the mirror and say, "Hello, child of the King!" Say it five times, and believe it because you ARE a child of the King. Discuss fingerprints: The FBI has collected more than 170 million fingerprints and has never found two that are alike! Activity: All About Me posters.
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Group Lesson (observing, movement, symmetry, differences/alike): Bug Safari: Going on a Bug Hunt. Take a walk with the children. See how many different kinds of bugs you can find. Set up Bug Collection: real bugs (dead) in a case, labeled--from Amazon. Discuss. Provide a fact sheet with interesting information about various bugs, and read it to the children.
Art/Fine Motor: Bug Zoo: Let the children use their imaginations to create their own make-believe bugs. Set out such materials as empty yogurt containers, cardboard tubes, egg cartons, pipe cleaners, yarn, pom-poms, googly eyes, paper scraps, and glue. Invite the children to use the materials to make "bugs." Display their creations as a Bug Zoo.
Gross Motor: Play Outdoors. Play tag, and the one who is "it" has to act like a bee who wants to "land" on somebody. As soon as that somebody is tagged, they become the bee!
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Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
Sept. 13, 2013: Letter B Theme: Bugs Number 2 Color: Black Shape: Oval
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Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, B; 1, 2, etc. Review Buggy Anatomy Song (tune of London Bridge):
Head and thorax, abdomen, abdomen, abdomen,
Head and thorax, abdomen, That's an insect.
Every insect has six legs, has six legs, has six legs,
Every insect has six legs, that's an insect.
Antennae to feel their way, feel their way, feel their way,
Antennae to feel their way, that's an insect.
Read another bug book; Show & Tell (opportunity for children to bring in an item from home and talk about it with the children (promotes public speaking, listening skills, showing respect, thinking processes, asking questions, answering question)
Bible: Teach a new Bible song
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Group Lesson: Math - Directions: Gather play bugs, a box, and two large branches from outdoors. Have the children demonstrate the bug 1. going up the branch 2. going down the branch 3. going between the branches 4. beside 5. inside box 6. crawling over the box 7. under the box. Ask students about other ways they can demonstrate directions, i.e., standing up, sitting down, jumping over, crawling under, standing beside. If children are still able to pay attention, play How Many Bugs? Child rolls dice. Whatever number the child rolls, he chooses that many bugs to place in a jar. See how long it takes to fill the jar. You will need many plastic bugs for this activity.
Art/Fine Motor: Play-Doh and accessories; provide plastic bugs for more fun!
Gross Motor: Outdoor obstacle course using hoola hoops, nylon tunnel, cones, trees, etc.
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Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
Sept. 13, 2013: Letter B Theme: Bugs Number 2 Color: Black Shape: Oval
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Circle Time: Sing Circle Time Learning Songs. Review A, B; 1, 2, etc. Review Buggy Anatomy Song; Movement activity from Hap Palmer CD.
Snack: Animal Crackers to correspond to Noah's Ark!
Bible: Noah's Ark story; "Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:9bExplain to the children that Noah loved and obeyed God even when no one else would.
Activity: Noah's Mixed Up Animals From: http://www.kidssundayschool.com/1130/preschool/noahs-mixed-up-animals.php
A fun game that can be used to tell the story of Noah's ark.
Picture from: http://roysterbonnie.jalbum.net/Margie%20New/slides/Noah's%20Ark.jpg
TOPICS: Animals, Noah, ProtectionMATERIALS:A wide variety of medium sized plastic toy animals, two of each. (Should be large enough so as not to pose a choking hazard) A box large enough to hold all the animals. |
PREPARATION: Before class decorate the box to look like the Ark.
WHAT YOU WILL DO: Start by telling the story of Noah's Ark, how God gave Noah the job of collecting two of each kind of animal. Tell the kids that you have a fun game for them. Say, "Somehow all the animals got mixed together. Your job is to find the animal pairs and put them back into the Ark." At this point, dump the variety of animals out on the floor or tabletop and have the kids find the matches. Once the kids have finished, ask them if they think Noah's job would have been hard or easy. Would it have been fun to take care of all the animals? What would be the hardest thing to do? What would be the easiest?
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Group Lesson: "Driving Me Buggy!" Prosocial behaviors. Read a book relating to feelings. Talk to the children about understanding how someone else might be feeling. Role play some behavior issue scenarios, i.e., knocking down someone's blocks. Additional Activity: Teacher provides cards with various facial expressions on them such as happy, sad, excited, scared, etc. The children take turns choosing a card while not showing it to the other students. The child then demonstrates making the face on his/her card. The other children try to guess how the child is feeling from the expression he/she is making (same expression that is on their chosen card). Discuss how we could respond to seeing someone with one of these expressions.
Art/Fine Motor: Teacher will write an uppercase and lowercase Bb on a sheet of construction paper. Provide a few boxes of Band-aids. Children will line the letters with the Band-aids.
Gross Motor: B Activities: Bobbing balloons, blowing bubbles, balancing bugs (on a spoon or on their heads)
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Clean-Up/Review/Dismissal (Goodbye Poem)
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