Thursday, January 16, 2014

Letter O is for Ocean Lesson Plans and #15

Day 1    Letter O     Theme:  Ocean   Number: 15

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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce Letter O and review letters A-:N.  Read "My O Book."  Introduce #15 and review #’s 1-14.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Knick Knack Paddywack song with motions.  Read a book about the ocean.

Snack:  Oatmeal cookies,Oreos, oranges (talk about these foods that start with O)
Bible:  Jesus Loves the Children:  "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."  Mark 10:14.  Talk about the meaning of the word blessed:  to ask God to do good things for another person.  Jesus Loves Me Bookmark craft using precut compressed styrofoam bookmarks, heart stickers and red marker.  Teacher will dot-write the words Jesus Loves (insert child's name) on bookmark, and children will decorate the bookmark.  

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Float and Sink Experiment: Children test items (cap, penny, marble, feather, toy fish, etc.) to see if they float or sink when placed in water.  Allow the children to hypothesize what will happen (can graph their guesses).  Then compare what happens with what they thought would happen.  Read a book about the ocean!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Game:  need playground ball and masking tape.  Children will try to roll the ball toward the other children's feet as a kind of bowling game.  Children stand one-arm's length apart.  Bowler names a way Jesus showed love (welcomed children, taught about God, healed, died on cross, forgave sins) and rolls ball, trying to hit the feet of one of the human bowling pins.  First child hit with the ball becomes the bowler.  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor: . Fishy Art:  .  From Mailbox Superbook page 167.  Copy fish pattern onto blue construction paper.  Cut out the fish and discard it or give it to the children to play with.  Set aside the resulting frame.   To make a fish painting, a child folds a sheet of construction paper in half and unfolds the paper.  He uses a paintbrush to drop several colors of paint onto one half of his paper.  He refolds the paper, gently presses the sides together, and unfolds the paper.  When the paint is dry, help him glue the prepared frame over his paper.  
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 2    Letter O     Theme:  Ocean   Number: 15

Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce Letter O and review letters A-:N.  #15 and review #’s 1-14.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Knick Knack Paddywack song with motions.  Read a book about the ocean.Dive Under the Ocean Activity:  Put several ocean creatures under a sheet.  Call out a child's name and say, "(Child's name) dive under the ocean" then have that child go under the sheet and retrieve an ocean creature.  When they have their creature, have them tell the class what it is (or tell them if they do not know).  Provide information about each creature once the activity is finished.

Snack:  Oatmeal cookies,Oreos, oranges (talk about these foods that start with O)
Bible:  Read from the Jesus devotional book.  

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  1.  Five Little Fishies in the Sea:  
Five little fishies in the sea, teasing Mr. Sharky
You can't catch me!  You can't catch me!
Well, along came Mr. Sharky (softly) as quiet as can be;
He snapped a fish up right out of the sea!
(Start with four little fishes and continue rhyming until you get to one little fishie.  The last line (instead of He snapped a fish up right out of the sea!) will become Now Mr. Sharky is lonely, can't you see. 
2.  Activity:  How long is a whale!  Ask kids if they know how long the largest sea creature in the world is.  Then get a rope (about 100 ft) and have them unwind it.  They will be amazed at how long a blue whale is.  
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Game:  need playground ball and masking tape.  Children will try to roll the ball toward the other children's feet as a kind of bowling game.  Children stand one-arm's length apart.  Bowler names a way Jesus showed love (welcomed children, taught about God, healed, died on cross, forgave sins) and rolls ball, trying to hit the feet of one of the human bowling pins.  First child hit with the ball becomes the bowler.  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor: .Octopus Windsock:  From:  
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 3    Letter O     Theme:  Ocean   Number: 15
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Letter O and review letters A-:N.  #15 and review #’s 1-14.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Knick Knack Paddywack song with motions.  Read a book about the ocean.  Fishing for Letters:  Provide a magnet and magnetic letters.  Give each child an opportunity to "fish" for a letter and announce to the class which letter it is they "caught."

Snack:  Oatmeal cookies,Oreos, oranges (talk about these foods that start with O)
Bible:  Read from Children's Bible  

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  
When a dolphin is sick or injured, its cries of distress summon immediate aid from other dolphins, who try to support it to the surface so that it can breathe.
Dolphins sleep with one half of the brain at a time, and one eye open.
Oysters can change from one gender to another and back again depending on which is best for mating. 
A dolphin's hearing is so acute that it can pick up an underwater sound from 24 kilometres away. .
Blue Whales weigh as much as 30 elephants
By swallowing water, the Pufferfish becomes too big for other fish to swallow. 
If a lobster loses a claw or an eye, it is usually able to grow another, although the new one is usually smaller. 
Dolphins sleep at night just below the surface of the water. They frequently rise to the surface for air. 
Shrimp can only swim backwards.
A blue whale's tongue is so large that fifty people could stand on it. 
A starfish can turn its stomach inside out. 
A baby grey whale drinks enough milk to fill more than 2000 bottles a day. 
The heart of a blue whale is the size of a small car. 
Giant cuttlefish have green blood.
Fish can’t close their eyes. They have no eyelids.
Fish never stop growing.  The older they get the bigger they grow.
Fish have cold blood.
Lobsters have blue blood.
When a crab loses a claw, another one grows in its place.
The seahorse is the fish that swims the slowest.
Whales breathe out of the blowhole that is on top of their head.
Octopuses are excellent climbers.  They have suction cups under their tentacles that help them stick to everything.
Lobsters are excellent swimmers and they use their fanned tails to move forwards and backwards.
Octopus can change their colour.
Shark's teeth are shaped like triangles or daggers
Sea sponges have no head, mouth, eyes, feelers, bones, heart, lungs or brain - yet they are alive.
Pearls are made from sand.
Octopuses and squids squirt black ink.
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Game:  need playground ball and masking tape.  Children will try to roll the ball toward the other children's feet as a kind of bowling game.  Children stand one-arm's length apart.  Bowler names a way Jesus showed love (welcomed children, taught about God, healed, died on cross, forgave sins) and rolls ball, trying to hit the feet of one of the human bowling pins.  First child hit with the ball becomes the bowler.  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor: .Free Art - Child's choice  
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

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