Monday, February 3, 2014

Q is for Quilting and #17

Day 1    Q is for Quilting     No. 17    The Quarter
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.Introduce letter Q and review letters A-:P.  Read "My Q Book."  Introduce #17 and review #’s 1-16.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Introduce the Quarter!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and now we will move on to a finger play called "Hands On Shoulders."  

Hands on shoulders, hands on knees,
Hands behind you, if you please.
Touch your shoulders, now your nose,
Now your hair and now your toes.
Hands up high in the air,
Down at your sides; now touch your hair;
Hands up high as before,
Now clap your hands, one, two, three, four!
Snack:  Who has a snack that starts with Q (this will be a tough one!)?  Quaker Oats.  We will make no-bake oat cookies together!
Bible:  Friends in the Family from "The Big Book of Bible Lessons for Crafty Kids.  Vocab:  Unity--to live in peace with others.  Getting along with siblings and parents and friends.  Getting Crafty:  Some Buggy Loves You picture frame.  

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Social Studies lesson on Quilting and its history.  Read "Quilting Now and Then."  Discuss quilts and show children a quilt and quilting materials.  Discuss that quilts have names, how they are named, their meanings and significance.
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor: Taken from:
Classroom Quilt: Quilt is made by using a large sheet of white bulletin board paper or freezer paper and adding colored tape to create a design of squares. The tape overlaps the ends of the paper which holds the paper quilt securely to the floor while the children color.  Provide a basket of crayons or colored pencils next to the "quilt."  There are two pieces of paper that are stapled together so the quilt can be stuffed with newspaper later.  


Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

Day 2    Q is for Quilting     No. 17  The Quarter
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Letter Q and review letters A-:P.  #17 and review #’s 1-16.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Review the Quarter!  Distinguish between the penny and the quarter.

Snack:  Who has a snack that starts with Q (this will be a tough one!)?  Quaker Oats
Bible:    Read a Bible story from the Children's Bible.

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Penny and Quarter Bodies:  The following ideas are taken from:  The teacher will draw a stick figure (head, two arms, two legs, trunk on a sheet of paper and will place enough pennies and quarters in the middle of the table for each child to be able to outline the stick figure with the coins.  The head is the quarter, etc.  Preschoolers will be able to count how many pennies make up their stick figure.  This helps them differentiate between size and color of a penny vs. quarter. They will learn that a penny is smaller and copper colored and is worth less, while the quarter is silver, the larger coin and is worth more.

Coin Rubbings:  
Materials needed: Assorted coins, tape or poster putty (to adhere coins to a hard surface), paper, clip boards (or a hard surface), and crayons.
Use poster putty or rolled tape to adhere pennies and quarters (since we are only studying these two coins at present) to a hard surface or a clip board (we tried making rubbings without taping the coins down and they had a tendency to slip!) Lay a white sheet of paper over the coins (clip the paper to the clip board or tape the paper down to the table.) Let the children use crayons to gently rub over the coins to make the image of the coin appear.  Again, allows the children to play around with the coins and notice the difference in size.
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:

Here’s what you’ll need:  letter Q printed onto heavy cardstock or construction paper (use this pattern: letter Q pattern); scrapbook paper cut into 1 1/2 inch squares; glue stick or liquid glue.  

Free Play
Review/Pack Up/Dismissal

Day 3    Q is for Quilting     No. 17  The Quarter
Sign In:  
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Letter Q and review letters A-:P.  #17 and review #’s 1-16.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short a sound.  Review the Quarter!  Distinguish between the penny and the quarter.  Penny/Quarter Toss with Egg Cartons. Label three egg cartons (3 students) by writing with a Sharpie inside each cubicle of the carton, either 1 cent or 25 cents.  Have the students try to toss the appropriate coin into the appropriate cubicle, i.e., toss the pennies into the 1 cent spaces and the quarters into the 25 cent spaces.

Snack:  Who has a snack that starts with Q (this will be a tough one!)?  Quaker Oats
Bible:    Read from Jesus devotional

Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:
1.  From:  Materials needed: Real or paper coins (quarter and a penny), tape, pipe cleaners, and pony beads.  Tape the coins to the pipe cleaners.  Provide enough pony beads for each child to have enough to place the appropriate amount of pony beads on each pipe cleaner coin.  For example:  each child will place 1 pony bead on the penny pipe cleaner, and 25 pony beads on the quarter pipe cleaner.  

2.  Experiment:  Predict and Observe:  From Hands On As We Grow website.  What will dissolve in water?  Some things to try:  flour, sugar, brown sugar, orzo noodles, corneal, oatmeal, sprinkles, and anything else you have around the house to try!  I will put out 7 or 8 containers of water so the children have lots of opportunities to try various items for the experiment.  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:  Valentine Cards for Family Members.  I will provide construction paper and lots of valentine-themed items with which the students can decorate 3 valentines or more for members of their family.
Addendum:  Valentine Broken Heart ABC Uppercase/Lowercase Matching Game will be out for the children to play with throughout the time leading up to Valentine's Day.  I will cut out or purchase valentines, 26 of them, and I will cut the Valentines in half in a puzzle-like fashion.  I will write uppercase alphabet letters on half of the pieces and lowercase letters on the other half.  The children can try matching the uppercase letters to the lowercase letters.  
Addendum: Quilted Hearts.  Use scrapbook paper in various designs.  Make a large heart shape on cardboard and  then cut it into triangle and/or square shapes to use as a template.  Using the template triangle/square shapes, cut out triangle/square shapes from scrapbook paper.  Put the shapes together in the shape of a large heart.  

Free Play
Review/Pack Up/Dismissal

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