Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter T is for Trees and #20

Day 1    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
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Circle Time:
  Morning learning songs.  Introduce letter T and review letters A-:S.  Read "My T Book."  Introduce #20 and review #’s 1-20.  Have each child line up 20 blocks.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Introduce the nickel!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders,"  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands.  

Bible: "Lying " from The Big Book of BIble Lessons for Crafty Kids:  "The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful."  Meaning of detest.  Discuss lying and times it is difficult to tell the truth,  Discuss God hates the lie but does not hate the person who lies, only the lie.  Why is it important not to lie?  So we are trusted.  Make a "No Lying"  place mat.  
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Group Lesson:  Treemendous Trees!  Read a book about trees and discuss the many, many uses of trees!  Have a table with items that we get from trees:  toys, crayons, pencils, paper, furniture, houses, baseball bats, airplane parts, matches, popsicle sticks, spoons, picture frames, chewing gum, foods, etc.  Discuss whether or not trees are alive.  Ask some divergent questions such as, "If we did not have trees, I wonder what we would build our houses with," or "where would the squirrels and birds play and live," or what if tree bark was blue instead of brown."  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!
Art/Fine Motor:  Building a nest: Go on a nature walk outdoors and look for items that could be used to build a bird's nest, items such as:  leaves, sticks, grass, hair, twigs, feathers, pineneedles, helicopter leaves, pebbles or small rocks, straw.  After the walk, allow the children time to build their nests in a plastic bowl.  Provide a fake bird for each child to place in their nests and possibly fake eggs.
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Day 2    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
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Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter T and review letters A-:S.  #20 and review #’s 1-19.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Continue learning about the dime!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. 
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Addition and Subtraction with Leaves.  Draw a tree on white board.  Have wind blow and leaves fall off tree.  Children practice counting the leaves that fall (get erased).  Say "This tree has five leaves.  The wind blows hard and blows down 1 leaf (erase one leaf from the five that you drew originally on the tree).  How many leaves are left on the tree?"  Continue in this manner.  Leaves that increase in amount (leaves that get added to the ground after "falling" also get counted.  Say "There are 3 leaves that have fallen to the ground.  Oh, the wind is blowing and blew one more leaf to the ground.  Now how many leaves are on the ground?"  
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!  
Art/Fine Motor: Tree Collage:  Children look through magazines to cut out items that we get from trees; also pictures that show how trees help us and animals and the earth.
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Day 3    T is for Trees     No. 20    Nickel
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:
Morning learning songs. Letter T and review letters A-:S.  #20 and review #’s 1-19.  Review the vowel song.   Begin blending consonants with short e sound.  Continue learning about the dime!  Lately, I have been teaching the children some of the old-time songs and rhymes that I sung as a child.  Thus far, we have learned "This Old Man," "Where is Thumpkin?", and  "Hands On Shoulders," "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands. 
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson:  Clothesline:  Wooden clothespins come from trees!  Use dominoes to  allow counting practice for children.  Each child takes a turn choosing a domino.  They then add the numbers on their domino together to see what it adds up to; then they take the matching amount of clothespins and pin them to the clothesline.  Letter Practice:  Lay the letters of the alphabet, both uppercase and lower case out on a table.  Children will be instructed as to what letter to find from a the letters.  They can then hang their letter on the clothesline.  The children should then work together to put the alphabet in the right order on the clothesline once all of the letters have been chosen and hung up.    
Lunch/Rest:  Read two books while children relax, listen and enjoy!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  1.  Outdoor play if weather permits.  We have kind of gotten into a routine where, when we play outdoors, the children want me to chase them and try to catch them.  When our them of the week changes, I become whatever matches our theme and give chase!  I have been a Dinosaur for letter D, a Gorilla for letter G, and a Horse for letter H thus far.  Maybe for letter I Iguana might be appropriate!  For the letter J, it is the perfect time to become the Giant in Jack and the Beanstalk and give chase!    For letter K, I could be a King and give chase!  Aerobics inside:  I will put on some fun music and show the children some movements they can do for exercise:  kicks, jumping jacks, side to sides, knee raises, hamstring curls--this is a little introduction to aerobics!  
Art/Fine Motor: http://theattachedmama.blogspot.com/2002/07/ultimate-alphabet-craft-collection_4950.html  T is for Turtle:  
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Addendum:  I also have a part of a tree stump with the rings.  I will explain to the children how the tree's age is determined by the number of rings it has.  I also have crayons made to look like bark, which the children can use.  

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