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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-F and introduce letter G. Review #’s 1-6 and introduce #7. Read "My G Book." Review the vowel song. Look around the room to discover items that are yellow! Is anyone wearing yellow? Read a nursery rhyme from Nina Crews' book: The Neighborhood Mother Goose (I love Nina's books because of the real-life illustrations and the fact that she uses photography and technology to make pictures come to life!) Play a Good Morning Game: Children sit in a group
Snack: Gumdrop Trees: Use a small branch or bush for the tree. Strip the leaves off the branch. Make the branch stand upright by sticking it into a mound of clay or drinking cup filled with sand. Paint the tree and stand white (I will probably skip this step). Stick a gumdrop on the end of each branch. Use for decoration for the rest of the G Week Theme! Allow the children to eat leftover gumdrops after they have eaten their healthy food first!
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors
Group Lesson: Little Bo Peep has Lost Her Sheep: 1. Since my kids love hide and seek with items, I will do the following activity to correspond to this nursery rhyme: Hide 21 paper sheep (seven each for learning the #7) around the house. Read the nursery rhyme to the children and explain that they have to help Little Bo Peep find her sheep by hunting for 7 sheep with their names on each of the sheep they find: Jake will find 7 sheep with his name, Madison will find 7 sheep with her name, and Casey will find 7 sheep with his name. This also helps with name recognition and observation. 2. Weekly Reader activity!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed: Outdoor play if weather permits. Play: Go! Tell the children that they can move in any way that they would like: skip, jump, walk, run, crawl, gallop, or hop. When you say "go," the children should begin to move. When the children hear your signal (whistle or bell), they should freeze in whatever position they are in. Then, count to 7. The children must hold their positions until you reach the number 7 and say "go."
Art/Fine Motor: Cow Jumping Over the Moon Paper Lunch Bag: Give each child a brown paper lunch bag. Add horns, ears, nose, arms, tummy and tail. You can also make a cow out of wooden spoons by adding the same types of features to make a cow! Add a ribbon bow tie under the rounded part of the spoon!
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Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Day 2 Letter G Theme: Games with Mother Goose Number 7 Color: Yellow Shape: Square
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-G. Review #’s 1-7. Review the vowel song. Is anyone wearing yellow? Read a nursery rhyme from Nina Crews' book:
Good G Foods with Grandparents: The grandparents of my students have been invited to join us this morning from 9 a.m. until 10:30 for a great time eating G foods with their grandparents: grapes, graham crackers, gala apples, granola bars, grape jelly on biscuits, glazed doughnuts and grape juice! I will provide coffee and tea, also!
Snack: See above: eat with grandparents!
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors
Group Lesson: Alive or Not Alive: Discuss what makes something "alive." Taken from:
To introduce the topic to your students bring a picture of a potted flower, an animal, like a dog or a turtle, and a rock. Show the pictures to the class and ask them to think about which ones are living and which are not living. Tape the three pictures across the top of a large piece of bulletin board paper. Tell the students that living things have certain needs. Down the side of the paper write:
- Living things eat.
- Living things grow and change.
- Living things move.
- Living things reproduce.
Have the students think of a few more examples and check them with your chart. For a quick assessment have each student
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed: Outdoor play if weather permits. Play: Go! Tell the children that they can move in any way that they would like: skip, jump, walk, run, crawl, gallop, or hop. When you say "go," the children should begin to move. When the children hear your signal (whistle or bell), they should freeze in whatever position they are in. Then, count to 7. The children must hold their positions until you reach the number 7 and say "go."
Art/Fine Motor: Nursery Rhyme Mystery Art: Provide a variety of materials that the children can use to make something that they remember from one of the nursery rhymes we have been reading.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Day 3 Letter G Theme: Games with Mother Goose Number 7 Color: Yellow Shape: Square
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-G. Review #’s 1-7. Review the vowel song. Is anyone wearing yellow? Read a nursery rhyme from Nina Crews' book:
Snack: Offer G foods leftover from Grandparents visit.
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors
Group Lesson: Grid Game with Tools: From: Prekinders website. For teaching one-to-one correspondence, counting and numeral identification. I will provide a grid made up of tools on a piece of paper. I will provide real washers (found at Walmart or appliance store-the little rings you use on faucets, etc.). The children will take turns rolling dice. Whichever number they roll, they will count out that many washers and place over tools on their grid until they have filled up their entire grid.
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed: Outdoor play if weather permits. Play: Jack Be Nimble. I did this activity last year with my classroom, and they loved it! It is so simple that I was amazed how much they enjoyed it. I simply provided a candlestick and read the rhyme. As I read the rhyme, I changed the name of Jack to each students name, i.e., Jake be nimble, Jake be quick, Jake jump over the candlestick!
Art/Fine Motor: 1. Symmetry: Show the children how they can draw half of an oval on a folded sheet of paper, cut it out, open it up, and they have a full oval. You can continue this with a variety of shapes: diamond, rectangle, square, pentagon, octagon, hexagon, etc. 2. There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: Provide a picture of a shoe on cardstock for each child. Then give them magazines and ask them to cut out children and see how many children they can fit into the Old Woman's shoe.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal
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