I will display posters of some community helpers, such as doctors, postal workers, preachers, teachers, nurses, etc. I will most likely extend this theme for two weeks, as there is a lot of information to cover.
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-G and introduce letter H. Review #’s 1-7 and introduce #8. Read "My H Book." Review the vowel song. Look around the room to discover items that are blue! Is anyone wearing blue? Have the children look for objects in the room shaped like rectangles. I will have a large bag filled with items that might belong to a community helper, such as stethoscope, toothbrush, cat comb, shampoo, school bell, Bible, tools, fire hat, mail bag, etc. The students will reach in and choose and object and decide which community helper might use that object. I will be using Community Helpers (a curriculum on Community Helpers by A Beka). This book discusses various community helpers and lists some activities to do with the students. This curriculum begins with teachings about our world (so I will have a globe on hand), and then moves on to individual communities. Because A Beka is a Christian-based curriculum, we will review how God made our earth and all the people and animals who inhabit it. Each day, we will move through this curriculum, discussing people who work in our communities, the work they do, and how they enrich and help us in our daily lives.
Bible: Attitude Check. Lesson taken from: Gospel Light's Big Book of Bible Lessons for Crafty Kids Grades 1-6. In this lesson, the children learn the word "attitude" and its meaning. After teaching the lesson/discussion, we will make an Attitude Check Reminder Magnet; I will post pictures later. We will play a game where we practice being concerned for others. Children will form pairs (since I have 3 students, I will participate). Pairs stand on one side of the playing area. Give each pair a tube sock. Partners hold sock between them, each with one hand on the sock. Pairs practice stepping over the sock, one foot at a time, without letting go of the sock. To begin game, children stand at one side of the playing area. At your signal, one child in the pair says "After you," and his or her partner takes a step, putting one foot and then the other over the sock. Then the partner who stepped says "After you," and the other partner takes a turn. Children continue, moving across the playing area and back.
Free Play in Learning Centers
Group Lesson: Guest Community Helper Speaker
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed: Outdoor play if weather permits. Hat Toss: Provide various types of hats that the children can try to toss onto numbers/letters mat places on the floor.
Art/Fine Motor: Chef's Hat: Made using white plastic kitchen bags and cardstock for the head band. Have sugar cookies available and allow the children to decorate their cookies while wearing their chef hat! Also provide celery and peanut butter if they desire to make that in addition to the cookies or instead of. I have a group of finicky eaters, and I feel they may prefer the celery and peanut butter over the cookies (why????). I love both, but I would still take the cookie before the celery--lol! My hubby can take the cookies in his lunch if they kids don't eat them.
Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Day 2 Letter H Theme: Hats off to Community Helpers! Number 8 Shape Rectangle Color: Blue
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-H. Review #’s 1-8. We also always review shapes. Continue learning about community helpers. In addition to the Community Helpers curriculum, I am using a series of books titled "People Who Help us." Included in this series is: Police Officer, Teacher, Firefighter, Doctor. Another good book for these lessons is "Barney's Hats." Barney the dinosaur talks about a top hat, a cowboy hat, a fire hat, an artist's hat, a drum major's hat, a fishing hat, an engineer's hat, a police hat, a birthday hat, and a night hat.
Bible: Read from devotional/discuss
Free Play in Learning Centers Group Lesson: 1. Guest Community Helper Speaker.
2. Hidden Letters Science: Using a white crayon, draw two or three letters on a piece of paper. Give child a paintbrush and water colors or a paint wash to spread paint across the paper. The letters will pop out when they are covered with paint!
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed: Outdoor play if weather permits. Move to Music. Hap Palmer CD.
Art/Fine Motor:
Picture taken from: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/262475484503554158/
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Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Day 3 Letter H Theme: Hats off to Community Helpers! Number 8 Shape Rectangle Color: BlueSign In
Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time: Morning learning songs. Review letters A-H. Review #’s 1-8. We also always review shapes. Continue learning about community helpers. In addition to the Community Helpers curriculum, I am using a series of books titled "People Who Help us." Included in this series is: Police Officer, Teacher, Firefighter, Doctor. Another good book for these lessons is "Barney's Hats." Barney the dinosaur talks about a top hat, a cowboy hat, a fire hat, an artist's hat, a drum major's hat, a fishing hat, an engineer's hat, a police hat, a birthday hat, and a night hat.
Bible: Read a Bible story
Free Play in Learning CentersGroup Lesson: Hidden Message: Need lemon juice, cup, small paintbrush, paper, iron. Pour the lemon juice into the cup. Dip the paintbrush into the lemon juice, and paint a word or message on the paper. After the message is completely dry, have an adult helper iron it using a medium heat setting. Lemon contains carbon, which turns brown when it comes into contact with heat. Explain carbon facts: plays a huge role in our world. There is carbon dioxide in the air; we breath out carbon dioxide; the graphite in pencils; all living things are made of carbon; carbon is part of the ocean, air, even rocks; carbon does not ever stay still; it is always on the move; plants use CO2 and sunlight to make their own food and to grow; plants that die and are buried may turn into fossil fuels made of carbon, like coal and oil, over millions of years. When we humans burn fossil fuels, most of the carbon quickly enters the atmosphere as CO2. We have to watch how much carbon we make, because too much CO2 is not good for humans. When you see a diamond, it is one big chunk of carbon; the main ingredient in charcoal that you use to BBQ is carbon; the carbon in your pencil is called graphite; when you put gas in your car, there is carbon in the gasoline, because gas is made up of oil, and oil is created from the plants which died a long time ago, and you know there is carbon in plants, so that means there is carbon in oil and gas; all plastics have carbon in them.
Talk about conservation: carpool to reduce CO2 emissions; don't leave the water running; turn off the TV and computer when done with them; play outdoors; reuse and recycle.
Art/Fine Motor: Letter H Pretzel Snack: 1 tbsp. yeast, 1 1/2 cups warm water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 4 cups white flour, egg, coarse salt. Dissolve yeast in water and add sugar and salt. Stir flour into mixture. Knead and roll dough and cut into small pieces. Shape into Letter H. Bake and enjoy!
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal
Additional Finger Plays:
What Do You Do?Teacher, Teacher,
What do you do?
I teach you reading
and writing, too.
Doctor, doctor,
What do you do?
I help when you're sick
with a cold or flu.
Counselor, Counselor,
What do you do?
I help you with problems
and I care about you.
Firefighter, Firefighter,
What do you do?
I help fight fires
that might hurt you.
Officer, Officer,
What do you do?
I help you stay safe
in all that you do.
Dentist, Dentist,
What do you do?
I clean your teeth
and keep your gums healthy, too.
Children, Children,
What do you do?
When you grow up,
Which job is for you?
This next song is sung to: "The Farmer in the Dell"
The firemen are brave,
The firemen are brave.
Heigh-ho, what do you know,
The firemen are brave
Other possible verses:
Barbers cut out hair
Doctors keep us well
Dentists check our teeth
Bakers bake our bread
Policemen stop the traffic
The Meadow's man makes custard (for when we visit The Meadows Frozen Custard Store.
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