Tuesday, October 8, 2013

October 11,2013 (Day 1)  Letter F     Theme:  Friends and Feelings     Color:  Purple         Number:  6

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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:  Morning learning songs.  Review letters A-E and introduce letter F.  Review #’s 1-5 and introduce #6.  Read "My F Book."  Review the vowel song.  Have each child gather 6 of an item in the classroom, i.e., 6 pencils or erasers or crayons, etc.  Discuss 6 as being a half of a dozen.  Show the children a carton of eggs to demonstrate.  Look around the room to discover items that are purple!  Is anyone wearing purple?  Read “Rainy Day Friends” by Nancy Parent.   Discuss the meaning of being a friend and what good qualities a friend might have. 
Snack:  Special Treat:  French fries.  Be sure to ask the children to make a letter F with their French fries!
Bible:  Learn a new Bible song!
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors

Group Lesson:  Measure Me, Friend!  Pair the children up and give each pair a string and safety scissors.  Have one child lie down and let them measure how tall he/she is, and then cut the string to that length.  Then have the children switch places so each child has an opportunity to be measured.  Later, they can compare their strings with their other friends.
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Move to music if inside.
Art/Fine Motor:   Letter F outlining.  Provide Fruit Loops and allow the children to outline a pre-drawn Letter F on construction paper.  This allows them to see and work with Letter F.  And, of course, they are going to want to eat some of the leftovers!  Ask the children what other items they could have used to outline their letter F:  feathers, flowers, frogs, French fries.
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal


October 14,2013 (Day 2)  Letter F     Theme:  Friends and Feelings            Color:  Purple  Number:  6
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:  Morning learning songs.  Instead of the normal “This is the Way We Start the Day” song, switch it up and, instead, sing (to the tune of Three Blind Mice):  We are friends, We are friends.  Yes, we are, Yes, we are.  Every day we play so nice, sharing all the things we like.  We are friends.  Review letters A-F.  Review #’s 1-6. Review the vowel song.  Read Talk and Work It Out by Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed.  Ask the children what is happening in each picture.  Talk about the friends the children really love to play with and ask them why.  Ask them what bothers them when playing with friends.  Why is it a good idea to try to work things out?  Let’s take a slow, big breath (demonstrate).  Ask the children how they feel now.  What are some other ways to calm down?  Counting to ten, taking a walk, drawing how you feel, telling a doll or pet about it, talking to an adult, etc.  To work out a problem with someone, what’s the first thing you need to do?  (calmly tell how you feel).  Will it help most to tell how YOU feel or to tell the other person what she or he did wrong?  Why?  When you talk to someone, where do you look?  How loud should your voice be?  What can you do to be a good listener? (stay quiet when someone is talking, look at the speaker, think about what you hear, say back what you hear, ask questions, think about how the other person is feeling).  How do you feel when someone listens to you?  How can listening help solve the problem? 
Snack:  Special Treat:  French fries.  Be sure to ask the children to make a letter F with their French fries!
Bible:  Read a Bible Story:
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors
Group Lesson:  Teach the Problem-Solving Finger Play:  Talk about the problem (point to your mouth); Listen to understand (point to your ear); Think of ways to solve it (Point to your head); Choose the best plan (point to the palm of your other upheld hand).  Handwriting:  Letter F and #6.

Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Move to music if inside.
Art/Fine Motor:    A Rainbow of Friendships Hand in Hand.  Make a friendship rainbow to hang over the entrance to your door. Paint a child’s hands (a separate color on each hand) until each child has had an opportunity to place their painted hands on a strip of paper (which is cut out in the shape of a  rainbow).  Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (Roy G. Biv). 
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

October 16, 2013 Wednesday (Day 3)  Letter F        Theme:  Friends and Feelings            Color:  Purple  Number:  6
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Free Play in Learning Centers
Circle Time:  Morning learning songs.  Instead of the normal “This is the Way We Start the Day” song, switch it up and, instead, sing (to the tune of Three Blind Mice):  We are friends, We are friends.  Yes, we are, Yes, we are.  Every day we play so nice, sharing all the things we like.  We are friends.  Review letters A-F.  Review #’s 1-6
Snack:  Special Treat:  Friendship Snack:  Trail mix, which you mix up one item at a time and explain that all the items come together as a nice blend, just like all of us in our class!
Bible:  Devotional:  Complaint Department Closed!  Bible Memory Verse:  Do everything without complaining or arguing.  Philippians 2:14.
Free Play in Learning Centers or outdoors
Group Lesson:  1.  Problem-Solving Finger Play;

2.  Science Experiment:  Flower of Friendship.  Give each child a white carnation.  Help them split the stem lengthwise.  Let each child choose a separate color of colored water (water with food coloring added).  Put the two stem sides in different cups of colored water and watch a friendship flower appear (the flower will absorb the water and change colors).  3.  I-Messages:  On index cards, write problem scenarios similar to the following:  Use real situations that fit your setting and children, but do not use their real names.  On the back of each card, give two example responses.  Make the first response an I-message—an assertive, effective response that begins with the word “I” and explains what the child thinks or feels.  Make the second response an ineffective one that blames others.  Place the cards in a bag. 

Sample Scenarios: 

·         Someone takes a toy you are playing with.  (Good response:  I’m still playing with that.”  Bad Response:  “You always take my stuff!  Give it back!”)

·         Someone calls you a name.  (Good Response:  “I don’t like being called that.” Bad Response:   “You are that, too!”

·         One friend lets another friend cut in line ahead of you.  (Good Response:  “I was already here.  I don’t think it’s fair to let someone else in.” Bad Response:   “Hey, you can’t do that.”)

Directions:  Have a child draw a card.  Read the scenario out loud, and then read the responses on the back.  Ask, “What’s a good way to talk about the problem?” or, “Which one tells how you would feel?”  The child chooses the best response.  Follow up by asking, “Why is that a good thing to say?”  Talk about why a mean or angry “you message” doesn’t help solve a problem.  (It blames someone; you and the other person might get more upset; it isn’t respectful (respectful is making someone feel special or important).  Also talk about how using a I-message can help keep things calm and help everyone stay respectful.  Extension:  Have the child suggest a helpful response on his or her own.  Invite them to role play.
Gross Motor/Phys.Ed:  Outdoor play if weather permits.  Move to music if inside.  Give the child “F Commands.”  Fly, run Fast, run like a Fawn, run Funny, Flap your arms, run like a Feline (cat), Fetch a stick, Fly like a Firefly, swim like a Fish, run Fast like a Fox, Freeze!  Play Freeze tag!
Art/Fine Motor:    Friendship Blessing Bells!  Materials Needed:  Craft beads, small craft bells, pipe cleaners, key chain.  The children choose a colored pipe cleaner.  They then decide which beads they want to place on their pipe cleaner.  First, they loop their bell onto the pipe cleaner, then the add beads. Last, add a key chain.  Print out the blessing on a piece of cardstock and punch a whole with a whole puncher into the card and attach it to the pipe cleaner or key chain.  You can also use string or wire for this activity. 

Blessing:  You are my friend, and I’m your friend, too.  We help each other when we feel blue.  We find ways to share and ways to care. Playing together, we make a great pair!
Free Play
Review/Pack up/Dismissal

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